September Message from Deb

Blue Jay classroom welcome bulletin board

The September Surge

As I enter into my 37th year in the field of early childhood education, I am so very aware of the many changes in the field that I would never have foreseen in 1980. Yet, the piece that continues to amaze me after all these years, is the “September Surge” that has remained the same. I believe most educators know this feeling well.
As a year-round child care center, it may seem as if there is no real beginning to the year. Yet, we say goodbye to a large group of children each August as they head off to their kindergarten adventures.
This departure opens the doors for many new children who begin their PIC experience in September. This September is particularly exciting as we open our two new classrooms after months of renovations.   
So September does mark a new beginning each year and we use this point as the opportunity to plan for the year ahead. It is a time of classroom decluttering, reorganizing and rearranging. It’s a time for new ideas and plans. It’s a time to meet new colleagues and reconnect with old ones. It’s a time for our September classroom meetings and potluck dinners. There is a sense of excitement that is difficult to describe.
For me, the “September Surge” always includes the worries that begin about the third week of August. The beginning of our new lunch program added a whole new list of worries this year. (i.e. Will we have enough food?, Will we have too much food?, Did we order enough bowls?) You get the idea. While these worries often turn out to be irrational, they remain a significant aspect of the “surge.” 
And then there are the rewards. I met so many new children and families already this week. I’ve watched new children enter their new classrooms with eyes twice their normal size. I watched as teachers extended arms and laps to children needing an extra hug.   
I’ve watched teachers call and e-mail parents with words of reassurance. And yes, I’ve seen parents walk out of classrooms in tears, and those who peeked in the ground level windows for one more glimpse.   
But, mostly I’ve watched children happily explore their new classrooms and our playgrounds, become engaged in activities, and laugh and play with both new and old friends.
That’s the "September Surge" in the nutshell. May it never go away!