In the Classroom: The Roadrunners

Roadrunner talks to his dad

Conversation Starters

As parents it is natural to want to know as much as possible about your child’s day at school. But sometimes it can feel like pulling teeth to get a couple of words about your child’s day! 
Getting children to talk about school is often harder than simply asking “how was your day?” This question can be a bit broad and may get you a one word answer. 
It is common for children to have strong emotions when reunited with parents after a long day. Consider waiting a while before starting a conversation with your child or let it happen naturally when they show readiness.
Some families establish a tradition for adults and children to share about their day each evening, usually around the dinner table. Good food and good company make a great atmosphere for conversation! 
Other traditions may be reading the daily note together as a group and using it to start things off. 
Consider having a routine of sharing the proudest/silliest/happiest moment of the day for each member of the family.
Remember, you know what inspires your child. Ask about what s/he built, drew, or climbed that day!
Once you get the ball rolling, don’t forget to share about your day, too. This is helpful in modeling the responses expected in this type of exchange and will give your child a chance to practice listening. 
Conversations are give and take and require practice. Remember to have fun as you master the art of conversation with young children!