In the Classroom: The Moonbeams

Younger and Older Moonbeam children

The Challenges of Change

We all know that children and adults respond to change in many different ways. While some seem to hardly bat an eye, others dig their feet in and resist with all their might.

After spending close to two years in an infant room, parents and children are not sure what to expect when their child moves to a toddler room. Transitions can be understandably rough on both the child and the parent, but they don't have to be. 

One of the things you can do to help prepare your child for this transition is to begin visiting the toddler classroom about a week or two before your child’s official move. This way you and your child can meet the teachers, begin to make new friends, check out where your child’s cubby will be, and see the layout of the classroom. 

Children do not need to be ready for potty training before coming to the toddler room. The toddler teachers will introduce your child to the potty when s/he is ready, and speak with you about how to help at home.

While we welcome young toddlers to the Moonbeams, we also say goodbye to children who are off to a preschool room. As with the younger children, this next step can be made a little easier by talking about it and taking your child to visit in advance to become familiar with the classroom, see new faces, and meet new teachers.

"Move ups" at PIC are planned to take place over a week. The week may start off with children staying only for the morning in a new room. As comfort begins to grow, children are encouraged to eat lunch with new friends and stay for nap.
While change involves giving up what has become comfortable, transitions also offer wonderful new beginnings!