2017 Family Feedback

2017 Feedback Survey Infographic

report from Executive Director Deb Green

Satisfaction continues to climb!

175 PIC parents responded to the 2017 Family Feedback Survey. Here is a brief rundown of the results:
The PIC Quality Committee, chaired by Nancy Rimmer and made up of PIC parents and Board members, found that the responses were overwhelmingly positive and over the last year progress has been made in most categories. 
The percentage of  “Very Satisfied” rating responses continues to climb. 
  • 91% Relationship with child’s Lead Teacher (same as last year) and Relationship with child’s Assistant Teacher (up from 82% last year)  0% Not Satisfied to both questions. 
  • 91%  Ability to work with teachers to meet child’s individual needs (up from 81% last year)  0% Not Satisfied
  • 90% Curriculum and activities in child’s classroom (up from 88% last year)  0% Not Satisfied. 
  • 84%  Outdoor spaces (up from 83% last year)  1% Not Satisfied.
  • 80%  Executive Director Leadership (up from 74% last year)   .65% Not Satisfied. 
  • 76%  Leadership of Program Coordinators (up from 68% last year)  0% Not Satisfied.
  • 81% Ability to work with teachers to meet individual needs (up from 73% last year)  0% Not Satisfied. 
  • 77% Transitions to new classrooms (up from 65% last year)  0% Not Satisfied. 
While we are delighted with the responses in the above categories, there is still work to be done.

Opportunities to improve

By far the highest"Not Satisfied" rating is in the response to the questions about our Parent Participation Program (PPP). After reviewing last year’s survey, we established a PPP Task Force co-chaired by parents Erica Zimmer and Sugirtha Stathis to examine and re-envision this program. In one year, the Task Force has sent out its own survey, analyzed the responses, looked at many suggestions on the table, and will soon be making recommendations to the PIC Board of Directors.Stay tuned…
Once again, no other single area on the survey received more than a 5% rating of “Not Satisfied”.
There were areas that received a higher rate of “Somewhat Satisfied” responses and we look at these areas as opportunities for growth. This year those areas include:
Child Assessments - This is an area where we received a diversity of responses. We have made significant progress this past year in combining our need for state reporting of checklist assessments with the needs of families for more “parent-friendly” information about their child’s growth and development. We recently learned of new information around the state requirements for reporting of child assessments and will be looking closely at this information in making decisions about the future direction of our assessments.
Enrollment/Move-up Communication - We read concerns about communication around the move-up process and are looking at ways to address the issues mentioned. We are trying to balance letting parents  know earlier when and to what room their child will be moving, with the myriad of factors that make these moves hard to solidify as early as we would like.  We will continue to strive for improvements in this area.
Teachers in Classrooms - We read concerns about classrooms that there is not a teacher present at 8 am. We have reminded all teachers that this is unacceptable and that many families are counting on them. Sometimes more specific reminders are needed and we encourage parents to let the Program Coordinator or me know if and when this happens (either verbally or by quick email.)  
Communication - We recognize that communication from PIC is not always as timely or uniform as we would like. We continue to work on better informing families about staffing and illnesses in a classroom, as well as improving communication from the classrooms.
We anticipate that with our expansion this summer will come increased challenges in the area of communications. In the next few months, we plan to conduct a “communications audit” to see where we can make improvements in providing both timely and more systemized communications from both the classrooms and our various departments.

About Facility Upgrades

PIC Facilities - It was very clearly expressed that parents love the renovations we have made to the classrooms. However, it was mentioned often that some of our facilities, especially in the older Spruce Building, are still in need of overhauls. Here is a look at what we have accomplished and how we determine what we will tackle next.
In just one year, we made significant improvements to three Spruce Building classrooms--the Fireflies, the Wild Things, and the Rainbows. Intact (wall-to-wall) carpeting was removed and replaced with new flooring, new cabinets, sinks, and countertops were installed, and electrical outlets were updated. In the Rainbow room a child-size sink was installed, giving two-year-olds greater independence when hand-washing and filling water bottles. 
This past year, new roller room darkening shades were installed on nearly all of the windows in the Spruce Building, making it easier for teachers to allow natural light into the rooms and create a darker space more conducive for taking naps and resting.
Penn has replaced many windows in both the Sweet and the Spruce Buildings this past year. These windows can now be easily cranked open for fresh air and no longer leak when it rains.
In March we opened the new Aviary Building that houses the 2nd - 5th graders in our After School Center. We are grateful to Penn for helping us with a positive lease agreement and for covering a substantial amount of improvements before we moved in. 
We very recently installed a keyless entry system and security camera on the Stucco Building for our After School Program. With phone system upgrades this summer, we will go wireless and more easily connect the new Aviary (After School Center) Building to the rest of our campus.
It is important to note that while our landlord (Penn) is responsible for improvements to the outside of the buildings and some interior systems, the center is responsible for many/most other improvements.
This past year, we were fortunate to have outside funding, in addition to the annual family facilities fee to support our improvement projects. A grant from the Child Care Facilities Fund covered the cost of the Rainbow Room renovation, and a large grant from the Fund for Quality, along with a significant private donation, and gifts to the Cindy Fund, will cover the cost of the expansion project.  
PIC has a separate account to fund facility improvements. Again this year, a $100 annual fee for each family will be reflected in the September billing.
Every year, our Building and Grounds Committee reviews projects on our long-range Systems Replacement Plan (SRP) and determines what comes next (as budgeting allows.) The SRP lays out designated improvements over the next 15 years, with the understanding that new projects arise and priorities shift.
Any parents with a specific interest in PIC facilities are invited to join the Building and Grounds Committee and can contact me at dgreen@parentinfantcenter.org.


I would like PIC to continue...

While the survey consists of easy-to-complete rating boxes to check off,  I am so grateful and impressed at the time parents take to write comments to SO MANY questions. 

One area where we believe we excel is in the quality of our teaching staff. I was so pleased to see this confirmed in your comments.
We were also pleased to see 140 responses to the question “I would like PIC to continue…” These responses included accolades in the following areas:
  • Hiring and retention of caring, competent, well-educated, dedicated and responsive teachers
  • Diversity on all levels and excitement around our expansion to continue this direction
  • Outdoor spaces and time outside that encourage children to connect to and appreciate nature
  • Strong community partnerships
  • Strong leadership and continued advocacy in the field
  • Focus on play and engaging classroom projects and environments
  • Emphasis on upgrading classroom environments
  • Electronic communications
  • Community and family involvement events 
  • Our new After School Center building (the Aviary)
Your feedback helps us to make changes and to grow. It reminds us of what we do well, and reveals areas that need our attention. I thank you again for taking the time to share your experiences and feedback. 
Please know that I am available for individual conversations (in fact I love these opportunities) and can be reached at dgreen@parentinfantcenter.org to set up a time to chat.
Thank you for entrusting your children in our care!
Debbie Green
Executive Director